


The Learning Resource Program offers academic support in small-group classes. The Program’s goal is to help capable students overcome individual differences and develop the strategies necessary to meet with confidence the academic challenges of the Christ School curriculum. Integral to this support system is the student’s willingness to be a productive, 成功的学生, open to the techniques and strategies presented within the context of the program.


  • To develop time-management techniques and organization skills
  • To master and internalize study strategies and study techniques
  • To identify individual academic strengths and weaknesses
  • To use those strengths to overcome relative weaknesses and help students reach their academic potential
  • 协助制定可衡量的目标


组织, 目标设定, 时间管理, 笔记, MLA格式, 概述, 高亮显示, 论文写作, 学习技巧, 测试准备, 沟通技巧, 激励和建立信心


室内自习室: For the disciplined student, evening studying takes place in the dorms. 这两个小时的时间, scheduled for each evening (Sunday – Thursday) and proctored by a Houseparent and a senior leader, 该完成作业了吗, 阅读和学习. 观察安静时间.

Evening Classroom Study Hall-S (ECSH-S): Under the direction of the Director of Learning and Support, proctors are available to help students (limited number per classroom) maintain focus and productivity during the evening study period (Sunday – Thursday). Proctors oversee student organization, prioritization, and assignment management.

请发邮件或致电 杰克·彼得森, Director of Academic Resources if you have any questions:

jpeterson@thehairdame.com 或(828)684 -6232分机. 111



韦斯利王 P'27 was announced as Varsity Baseball Coach in 2020 and assists boys in the Learning Resource Department as well.

Mr. King has been involved in education since 2003 and has taught in North Carolina and South Carolina schools. After receiving a degree in 体育 Management from Western Carolina University, he earned teaching certificates in Business and Physical Education from Winthrop University and Mars Hill University.

Coaching-wise,奥. King has worked at the varsity level in North Carolina since 2004 and amassed 180 career wins as a head coach. 他指导过37名大学球员.

Mr. King is married to Kelli and the couple have two sons, Sawyer '27 and Cason.

参加田径比赛的男孩们 & field program were overjoyed to hear that assistant coach 艾丽丝王 is now a full-time member of the faculty.

Ms. King has developed a good rapport with Christ School’s athletes the past two years. She will continue to coach and provide support as part of the Learning Resources Department.

Ms. King graduated from Elon University in 2021 with a B.A. 公共卫生辅修教练. She qualified academically three straight years for the Colonial Athletic Association Commissioner’s List.  

Ms. King attended high school in the Asheville area at T.C. 罗伯森.

怀亚特长 came on board as a Learning Resource/English instructor and assistant varsity lacrosse coach in 2020. 

Mr. Long以优异成绩毕业,成绩为B.A. 2019年从哈特威克学院(Hartwick College)毕业. After that, he returned to his high school alma mater (Blair Academy in Blairstown, N.J.) to work in communications and coach lacrosse.

Mr. Long enjoys fishing, kayaking, hiking, cooking, and cheering on Philadelphia sports teams. 


Dr. 杰克·彼得森 quickly acclimated to Christ School as a mid-year hire during the 2022-23 academic year and is now ready to continue the excellence of the Learning Resources Department as its new director.

Dr. Peterson first came onboard as an LR instructor last spring. 他称自己是一个有创造力的人, collaborative English teaching professional with strong administrative skills and a passion for student success in higher education.

He is the founder of Ao English, an online service that offers tutoring and editing. Dr. Peterson has previously been an instructor at five different colleges, most recently on a part-time basis at Durham Technical College in Durham, N.C. He was the Parish Administrator for Durham’s St. Titus’ Episcopal Church from 2021 to 2022.

收到他的B后.A. in English from 乔治亚州’s Covenant College in 2002, Dr. Peterson studied at the University of 华盛顿 where he earned his master’s in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and then 印第安纳州 University Pennsylvania, where he received a PhD in Composition and Applied Linguistics.

Dr. 彼得森出生在俄亥俄州, 但也在越南生活过, 阿肯色州, 加州, 乔治亚州, 印第安纳州, 华盛顿, 现在是北卡罗来纳州.

Dr. Peterson enjoys writing poetry in his free time and his work has been published. His wife’s name is Amy and they have two children.

乔什·施瓦兹 bases his coaching philosophy around three E’s (effort, 热情, 和执行), which has allowed him to build an impressive resume in lacrosse.

Mr. Schwartz has worked at five different colleges, most recently rising to the rank of Associate Head Coach at Catawba College. Christ School lacrosse has been bolstered by his coaching expertise and Mr. Schwartz teaches in the Learning Resource Department.

He graduated from the University of Mount Olive with a B.S. 2014年获得运动科学学位, then earned his master’s in College 体育运动 Administration from Coker College.

Mr. Schwartz lives on campus with his wife, Katie.