Leadership and Service Learning


"…to produce educated men of good character, prepared for both scholastic achievement in college and productive citizenship in adult society..."

The Christ School Mission affirms that the School remains close to its original four pillars of philosophy, with an emphasis on physical fitness and leadership skills, respect for others, 公民的义务, dignity of hard labor, and spiritual growth – all important aspects of the Servant Leadership Program.

For Christ School and Beyond

Learning How to Lead

Empathy, Appreciation, Social Responsibility

Service Learning

Service Learning allows students to shift their focus from themselves to the needs of others, expanding their sense of empathy while gaining a greater appreciation for what they have by:

  • Integrating service into their lives at an early age which will help our students set patterns that they will maintain into adulthood as contributing members of their communities.
  • Expanding on Community Service to encourage long term projects that weave the principles of Christ School’s mission into the very fabric of the school’s overall life.
  • Exposing students to issues of social concern
  • Identifying issues in which they want to get involved
  • Engaging in social responsibility through service
  • Reflecting on their experiences
  • Sharing their knowledge with our school community.

National and international service trips offer students opportunities to continue their servant leadership in unique settings. Some of the most recent service learning trips include New Orleans, 查尔斯顿, 尼加拉瓜, 秘鲁, 古巴, and the Galapagos Islands.

Service Learning 新闻

getting involved

Community Service

The Community Service Program at Christ School strives to teach students how to carve out time in their busy schedules that can be dedicated exclusively to helping others. Furthermore, at Christ School we believe that developing community servants is about more than participating in community service. The Community Service Program works cooperatively with our Service Learning Program to gain knowledge and understanding of the issues and environments that students encounter in and beyond the Asheville community. Every student is required to give a minimum of fifteen hours of service in his community each school year. Students are given opportunities to complete their service requirement through weekly programs organized on and off campus by the Director of Student Activities. Check out some of our community partners.